Course Preview: History and Methods of Apologetics with Dr. Timothy Paul Jones

If you’ve never taken a class with Dr. Jones you’re in for a real treat. He has a passion for equipping Christians with doing apologetics well doing it in both the classroom and in the church.

He recently gave a lecture to the faculty at Southern Seminary titled, ‘Brothers and Sisters, We are All Apologists Now.’ I was challenged and encouraged listening to this message. If you have some time, definitely give it a listen. He also has a newsletter called The Apologetics Newsletter, which is also worth a read.

I asked Dr. Jones how this course can equip our students that are currently involved in ministry and here is what he said:

One key takeaway from this course is the opportunity to engage deeply with primary sources from past defenders of the Christian faith, like Augustine and Calvin. Students will learn invaluable lessons on how to share and defend the faith in their own ministry contexts, drawing wisdom from these influential pastors.

Below are three videos (download the syllabus and schedule):

  1. Course Introduction

  2. Classical Apologetics: Moving from General Revelation to Special Revelation

  3. Common Notions and Natural Law in the Reformed Tradition: Interview with Dr. Andrew T. Walker

Brian Renshaw

Brian is the Associate Vice President for the Global Campus at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Weekly Email: August 26, 2024


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