Fall 1 Experiential Modular Recap

Last week, students from 20 different states gathered in Louisville, Kentucky, for our inaugural Experiential Modular. These 8-week online classes include three immersive days on campus, allowing students to interact with professors, meet fellow online learners, and experience campus life firsthand.

What is an Experiential Modular?

Experiential Modulars are unique 8-week online courses that feature a three-day on-campus component in Louisville. This setup provides students with the opportunity to engage directly with their professors, connect with peers, and participate in campus activities. We are offering three over the next year in Fall 2, Spring 1, and Spring 2. You can find more information and register here.

Courses Offered

We offered three courses:

  • Introduction to Missiology with Dr. Paul Akin

  • Practical Theology in Context with Dr. Jeremy Pierre

  • New Testament I with Dr. Jonathan Pennington

From the very start, students quickly bonded with one another. The energy and enthusiasm were obvious as they got to know each other and their professors.

Highlights of the Week


  • Afternoon: Students attended two class sessions. The consensus was clear: meeting in person brought the classes to life. Justin shared, “Being on campus allowed me to engage and interact in ways that aren’t possible online. It made the class come alive and pointed me straight to Jesus.”

  • Evening: After enjoying TexMex from Chuy’s, Dr. Timothy Paul Jones delivered a lecture on ecclesial apologetics and answered student questions.


  • Morning: Students attended their third class session, followed by chapel with the rest of the campus to worship and hear Dr. Mark Dever preach.

  • Afternoon: After lunch, where Drs. Mohler and Dever joined students, Dr. Dever conducted a short Q&A. The group then had a personal tour with Dr. Mohler and his library.

  • Evening: Students enjoyed BBQ from Martin’s and a talk from Dr. Mohler. Some took a campus tour, while others engaged in conversations around campus. The night concluded with a live stream of the Presidential Debate and a panel discussion featuring Drs. Mohler, Wilsey, and Walker.


  • Morning: Students completed their final two class sessions. An impromptu lunch was organized for those interested in pursuing doctoral studies after their master’s programs.

Student Testimonials

Here are a few notable quotes from students about their experience:

  • Zach: “Connecting with other students and the professor through real discussion in the classroom. It’s a night and day difference being in person.”

  • Jules: “I would wholeheartedly recommend it if they are able. It’s a refreshing change of pace from the typical grind of the 8-week terms.”

  • Jessica: “Getting to interact with professors in person and ask questions as I am not comfortable speaking up on Zoom!”

  • Emily: “I felt more connected to the seminary community than ever before. The experience exceeded my expectations.”

  • Chris: “The personal interaction, networking, and engaging with the teacher were the best parts for me.”

  • Melanie: “I loved the chapel service. Getting the tour of Dr. Mohler’s library was unforgettable.”

  • Arthur: “As an online student, the opportunity to interact directly and form a relationship with my professor was a great opportunity.”

  • Matt: “Meeting other students and faculty in person enhanced my learning and made me feel part of the seminary community.”

  • Bill: “The immersive experience was refreshing and reaffirmed my commitment. I left feeling encouraged and connected.”

  • Austin: “It was an incredible opportunity to hear from faculty and guest speakers. I left with a desire to keep learning more.”

The first Experiential Modular was a resounding success. Students left feeling more connected, inspired, and engaged. We look forward to many more such experiences in the future.

Brian Renshaw

Brian is the Associate Vice President for the Global Campus at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.


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