Weekly Email: August 12, 2024

It's now the second week of the Fall 1 term. Just know that our team is praying for you. If there are any specific prayer requests, please let me know and I will add it to our prayer list for our team.

Student Tip:

I encourage you to look ahead at your schedule and identify the assignments that will take more time to complete, such as book reviews, research papers, or other projects. Mark out dedicated time on your calendar for each task or goal you need to complete. Time will not magically appear, so planning ahead will help you avoid feeling rushed later.

I’ve provided a detailed example of how you can break down a paper into more manageable chunks here. This is just merely a suggestion and you can modify it for your particular context.

Program Updates:

In the new MDiv program, the requirements previously in the Applied Ministry course are now integrated into Pastoral Ministry and Discipleship Ministry. While Pastoral Ministry is reserved for men, Discipleship Ministry is available to both men and women. These courses include a specific module for the required Supervised Ministry Experience, allowing you to practically apply your learning under the supervision of a ministry leader. Additionally, these courses feature a module developed by Dr. J.T. English, Associate Professor of Christian Theology, focusing on discipleship in the local church.

P.S. If you have already taken Pastoral Ministry or Discipleship Ministry (previously Discipleship and Family Ministry) let me know and I can send you the new lectures from Dr. English.

P.P.S. If you are a current student that began before Winter 2023 and would like to transfer to the new MDiv program or want more information you can contact an academic counselor (academicadvising@sbts.edu) and they’d be happy to switch you over.

Faculty Devotional:

This week’s devotional is from Dr. Mitch Chase and is a reflection on Genesis 1:1.

The first verse of Scripture is one of the most famous opening lines ever: “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth” (Gen. 1:1). The claim is huge: everything that exists is derived from God. That claim includes you. You exist because of God’s creative power. Because there is a God who has made all things, your life matters. You are not the result of random or arbitrary activities in an aimless universe. God made you on purpose and for purpose. The ultimate purpose of your life is the praise and glory of God. Your life is more than ministry, more than success, more than reputation, and more than education. You were made to know and commune with the living God who made all things. Since God made everything, you can trust him with everything in your life.

Before the beginning, God already was. Before the beginning, he already loved you. And after the end of all things, he will love you still.

That’s all for this week. Thanks for reading! If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to me.

You can find an archive of each week’s email here.

Brian Renshaw

Brian Renshaw

Brian is the Associate Vice President for the Global Campus at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.


Online Hebrew Reading Groups for Fall 2024


Time Blocking for a Research Paper Example