Weekly Email Archive
Every Monday, I send a note filled with encouragement and/or study tips, updates about our program, and a devotional from our faculty to online students. My hope is that these emails will support and inspire you on your academic journey here at Southern. - Brian Renshaw
Reassessing those New Year’s resolutions, a reminder about the Writing Center, and a faculty devotional from Dr. Roberto Carrera
Reflections from 4000 Weeks, Spring 2 Experiential Modulars, and a faculty devotional from Dr. Bradley Green.
Your posture for the new semester, schedule for Spring 1, and a faculty devotional from Dr. Kaspars Ozolins
Focus on the process, Course Snapshots is officially launched, and a faculty devotional from Dr. Jeremy Pierre.
Rituals that make a big impact, an upcoming webinar about relocating to Louisville, and a faculty devotional from Dr. Duane Garrett.
Strengthening your attention muscle, Spring 1 Experiential Modular, and a faculty devotional from Dr. Timothy Paul Jones.
Removing friction to make progress in your studies, promotions in the online learning department, and a faculty devotional from Dr. Hershael York.
Consistency over intensity, Southern Seminary is back open, and a faculty devotional from Kaspars Ozolins.
We’re off for Christmas break
The “why” of what you’re doing, Leaders and Leadership with Dr. Mohler, and a faculty devotional with Dr. Betts.
How to read more in a month, graduation news, and a faculty devotional from Dr. Timothy Beougher.
Starting of the semester well, introducing the Course Snapshots, and a faculty devotional from Dr. Jonathan Pennington
Encouragement for your studies during the holidays, office closings, and a faculty devotional from Dr. Mitch Chase.
Focus as a muscle, responding to your feedback, and a faculty devotional from Dr. Hamilton.
Giveaway! Faculty devotional from Dr. Stephen Presley.
The planning fallacy, testimonials from our latest Experiential Modular, and a devotional from Dr. Joe Harrod.
Registration assistance, Dr. Mohler's new course, and devotional from Dr. George Martin.
How to get unstuck when you’re not motivated, research assistance from the library, and a faculty devotional from Dr. Colin McCulloch.
Reading strategies for seminary, professors on sabbatical, and a faculty devotional from Dr. Timothy Beougher.
How to email your professor and OTA, mission trips at Southern, and a faculty devotional from Dr. Bill Cook
Preparing for your next online course, information on the new online PhD, and a faculty devotional from Dr. Justin Irving.
Finishing the last week of Fall 1 well, information on Graduate Certificates, and a faculty devotional from Dr. Andrew Walker.
How Parkinson's Law can make you more efficient during your study time, a course addition to the Apologetics and Philosophy Graduate Certificate, and a devotional from Dr. Jarvis Williams.
How parking on a downhill slope can help your reading and writing, Experiential Modular update, and a faculty devotional from Dr. Jonathan Pennington.
Encouragement for the long semester, behind the scenes look at course development, and a faculty devotional from Dr. Paul Akin
A student success story about reworking their schedule to have less overwhelm in their life, highlighting History and Methods of Apologetics with Dr. Timothy Paul Jones, and a devotional from Dr. Michael Haykin.
How to find eBooks with our library, a new course from Dr. Hamilton, introducing Hebrew reading groups, and a devotional from Dr. T.J. Betts.
Suggestions on how to manage your time writing a paper or completing a project, some information about the Supervised Ministry Experience, and a devotional from Dr. Mitch Chase.
Encouragement for a new semester, a new course from Dr. Claunch, and a devotional from Dr. Jim Hamilton.