Weekly Email: March 3, 2025

This week we’re looking at some suggestions on how to write a critical book review and I am also highlighting our Boyce College Preview Day. I’m always amazed at the academic caliber of our college students coupled with their passion for Jesus Christ and walking with him. Preview Day is a great time for parents and their kids to come experience what we have to offer at Boyce College.

Student Tip: Writing a Critical Book Review

Writing a book review can feel overwhelming, especially as a seminary student. I remember thinking, especially at the beginning of my MDiv, "I’m engaging with books written by scholars who have spent years studying the subject, so how can I critically evaluate a book when much of the content is new to me? "

The key is to approach the review as both a summary and an analysis. Your goal isn’t just to describe what the book says but to assess how effectively the author makes their argument. Developing this skill will not only help you with assignments but also sharpen your ability to read critically, which is essential for ministry and further theological studies.

Here are three practical steps in helping you write a critical book review:

  1. Identify the Thesis: Every book has a central argument or main idea. As you begin reading, determine what the author is trying to prove or explain. Write this down on a notecard or in your notes and keep it in mind as you read. I find it helpful to read the notecard before each reading session as a reminder. This will serve as the foundation for your analysis, helping you evaluate whether the book successfully accomplishes its purpose.

  2. Take Chapter Notes: After finishing each chapter, write a brief summary (1–3 sentences) on how that chapter contributes to the book’s overall thesis.

    • Does it provide strong evidence?

    • Are there weak points or gaps in reasoning?

    • Take note of specific examples and page references so you can easily find them later. This habit will save you time when writing your review and ensure that your critique is grounded in the text.

  3. Write a Thoughtful Critique:The most valuable part of your review is your analysis. Rather than just stating whether you liked the book, focus on the following:

    • How effectively does the author makes their case?

    • Does the evidence support the argument?

    • Are there alternative perspectives or arguments the author didn’t address?

    • Could the argument have been stronger in certain areas?

    • Refer back to your notes and the thesis to structure your critique in a meaningful way.

I hope that these steps gives you some structure in your reading and writing for a critical book review. You’re not the expert and your professor is not expecting you to be. Remember, the goal is to develop your critical reading skils. As with all skills, the more you do this in a thoughtful and deliberate way, the stronger your skills will be.

Program News: Boyce College Preview Day

One of the things I’m most impressed by when I walk across campus and see college students everywhere is that they are absolutely passionate about following Jesus.

I know there are a lot of Christian schools out there, but sometimes you wonder, are they truly Christ-centered, or just Christian in name with a few required theology classes? But as I hear from others, talk to the professors, and see firsthand what’s happening at Boyce College, I realize this place is different. Honestly, I wouldn't expect anything different from our faculty and staff here.

Yes, Boyce College is a Christian college, but it’s so much more than that. I see students who love the Lord, are actively engaged in the local church, and have a heart for taking the gospel into the world. They aren’t just learning but they’re preparing to be faithful witnesses for Christ in whatever field they pursue.

Whatever degree they pursue, every student takes at least 30 hours of Bible and theology courses. Here, they don’t just gain an academic foundation but they are surrounded by other young Christians who are passionate about their faith, forming lifelong friendships and Gospel partnerships that will last for years to come.

And it’s not just for ministry students, we have degrees in Business, Communication, Teacher Education, and more. Graduates have gone on to law school, become teachers in public and private schools, serve in churches, and work in various careers where they bring a Christian worldview to their field.

Many students come here because their older siblings did, because they’ve seen firsthand how Boyce shaped their older brother or sister for life.

That’s why I want to invite you, or someone you know, to Boyce College Preview Day on March 27–28.

During this Preview Day, students will:

  • Tour the campus and experience the Christ-centered community

  • Visit a class and hear a lecture from professors

  • Attend chapel with Dr. Albert Mohler

  • Join a student life event and connect with current students

  • Parents will have a special panel with Dr. Mohler to ask questions and hear more about Boyce College.

If you know a parent of a high school student who wants their son or daughter to grow in their faith, be equipped to make an impact, and be part of a vibrant community of believers, tell them about Boyce College and Preview Day.

You can find more information here about Preview Day

Faculty Devotional: Dr. Matthew Westerholm

This week’s faculty devotional is from Dr. Matthew Westerholm, Professor of Church Music and Worship and is a reflection on Psalm 90:14:

Was today a good day? As I crawl into bed, my mind often spirals: Was today a success? Did I accomplish my goals? This restless evaluation never leads to peace. Instead, Psalm 90:14 offers a better way:

“Satisfy us in the morning with your steadfast love, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days.”

The psalmist asks God for satisfaction, giving us both an example and permission to do the same. Too often, we chase satisfaction through work, pleasure, or approval, only to find ourselves weary. But true satisfaction isn’t achieved; it’s received.

Each morning, we can ask God to satisfy us such as when we feel restless, to bring peace; when we feel empty, to fill us; when we feel alone, to comfort us. His love steadies our hearts and shapes our day before it even begins.

While the world searches for fulfillment, God satisfies His children at the start of the day. This frees us to work, not for worth, but for His glory; to find joy, not in circumstances, but in Christ; to love others, not for approval, but because we are already loved.

Rather than anxiously wondering if today was good, we start each day knowing it already is because God’s love is steadfast and His mercies are new every morning (Lamentations 3:22–24).

And why can we rejoice all our days? Because one morning, Jesus Christ walked out of His grave, defeating sin and death forever. His resurrection power is ours (Romans 8:11), securing an eternal hope that sustains us every single day.

So we don’t have to wait until nightfall to decide if today was good. Because of Christ, we wake up knowing it already is.

That’s all for this week! Thanks for reading and check in next Monday. You can find an archive of each week’s email here. If you’re looking for information on courses such as textbooks, course description, and what we have to offer online, check out the Course Snapshots!

Brian Renshaw

Brian is the Associate Vice President for the Global Campus at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.


Weekly Email: March 10, 2025


Weekly Email: February 23, 2025