Weekly Email: August 19, 2024

Would you join me in a moment of prayer for our fellow students who are starting their journey on campus today? I’m thinking especially of the new freshmen at Boyce College. Remember your first day of college? It can be pretty scary and intimidating! I reached out to Dr. Dustin Bruce, the Dean, and asked him what specific things we could pray for as the semester begins. Here is what he said:

First, we have been specifically praying 2 Timothy 1:6–7 over the incoming students. Pray the Lord would fan into flame his gift to these students. Second, pray that relationships would form quickly as entering into this new season of life is difficult. And finally, pray for our students as they search for a new church home. We emphasize the necessity of the local church in the life of the Christian, so pray they quickly settle in at one of our great area

Student Tip

Did you know that 1/3 of our library’s collection of books is available as an eBook? This means that many books are available to you completely online as you do research for your classes.

Program News

I’m excited to announce that Drs. Howell and Ozolins will be leading two weekly Hebrew reading groups starting this Thursday (8/22, 2:00 pm EST) and Friday (8/23, 10:00 am EST). When I was completing my MDiv I participated in a couple language reading groups at they were vital to me growing in my understanding of the languages. I encourage you to check out one of these meeting times to meet other students and also grow in your study of God’s word. You can find the Zoom links and more information here.

New course update: 
Just a quick heads up! Behind the scenes, we’re in the process of adding a brand new online course to be offered in the Winter term: Dr. Jim Hamilton’s Use of the Old Testament in the New Testament (20389WW).

Dr. Hamilton will be going on sabbatical in the Spring/Summer to focus on several writing projects, so this will be his last time teaching until Fall 2025. If this topic interests you, I’d definitely recommend planning to take it.

Honestly, when I think back to my MDiv days at Southern, this is one of those courses I wish I could have taken—it’s definitely one to consider!

You can check out the syllabus and first lecture here.

If you would like to be notified when this course is officially added to the schedule and available on MySBTS for registration, fill out the form here (don’t worry, it’s just your name and email).

Faculty Devotional

This week’s devotional is from Dr. TJ Betts. If you have ever interacted with Dr. Betts you know that he is just a gem of a Christian man. He loves the Lord, which shines through every interaction you have with him, he is dedicated to his students, and he teaches with a pastor’s heart. If you haven’t had a chance to take a class with him, I’d encourage you to before you finish your degree.

The text for reflection is 2 Kings 22:2 “Sometimes our best effort don’t work out”

Whenever anyone takes a stand based upon one’s biblical convictions, there will be opposition. My first memorable experience with this was when I a young boy. Our next door neighbor decided to coach a Little League baseball team. He had seen me play many times in our neighborhood with my friends, and so he asked me and my parents if I could join his team. My parents had the conviction that our family would never miss church except in extreme circumstances. Consequently, my parents told him I could join the team only if it was understood I would never miss a church service. He agreed, and for four years it was never an issue. However, in my fifth year, a different coach did not like it at all. So attempting to get me to miss church, he purposely scheduled me to be the starting pitcher on church nights. He knew my parents' rule. I told him I had to leave at a certain time, but he appeared shocked when I actually told him I had to go. Whether my parents' “policy” was right or wrong may be debated, but I experienced how the world will even pressure children to compromise their convictions. And as we grow up, the pressure only increases.

No doubt, Josiah also felt pressure to compromise his faith as he lived among a godless people. Nevertheless, the phrase “he did not turn to the right or the left” means he did not compromise his convictions in the face of that pressure. God noticed Josiah’s unwavering devotion and blessed him for it. In a world that pressures believers to compromise our faith, may God find in us the same kind of unwavering devotion Josiah had.

Conclusion and Giveaway

Thanks for making it through this week’s email. I know it was a bit longer than usual! It took one coffee and two refills at my favorite local coffee shop, Quills Coffee, to write this.

With that being said, as a small reward for making it through this entire email, I’d like to do our first giveaway of the semester.

In order to enter the giveaway it is pretty simple. Go to this form and answer this question:

Tell me one specific way that one of your classes has equipped you for ministry.

I’ll announce the winner of the giveaway in next week’s email.

Enter the giveaway

Giveaway Items

  1. What Do I Say When … ?: A Parent’s Guide to Navigating Cultural Chaos for Children and Teens by Andrew T. Walker and Christian Walker

  2. Systematic Theology, Volume 1: From Canon to Concept by Stephen J. Wellum

  3. How to Teach the Old Testament to Christians: Discover How to Unpack All of Scripture for Today’s Believers by T.J. Betts

  4. My favorite coffee mug from the Southern Seminary Bookstore.

You can find an archive of each week’s email here.

Brian Renshaw

Brian is the Associate Vice President for the Global Campus at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.


Student Success Story: How Intentional Planning Transforms Overwhelm into Progress


First Look: The Use of the Old Testament in the New Testament with Dr. Jim Hamilton